Political Maneuvering to
Change Frequency and Raise
documents from the files of the FCC at the National Archives document
the regulatory details of KIRO's move to 710 and increase in power to
1,000 watts.

KPCB's formal request to move to 710 kHz - May, 1935. Saul Haas
is still a minority owner at this time.
The Federal Radio Commission, guided by Senator Bone and commissioner
Harold LaFount, guided KIRO through the process to change frequency and
increase power.

LEFT: Letter from Commissioner LaFount to Senator Bone, indicating a close cooperation between them.
RIGHT: Letter from Senator Homer Bone indicate his
involvement in KIRO's efforts to change frequency and increase power.

LEFT: This map, provided to the FCC by KIRO engineers, showed that KIRO at
1,000 watts would not interfere with WOR's protected coverage at 50,000
RIGHT: One of numerous 6-month permissions from the FCC for KIRO
to broadcast on 710 kHz. Successive "experimental" permits were
issued over a period of five years.

KIRO predicted the signal strength of their 1,000 watt signal in this
map submitted to the FCC. The area enclosed in white indicates a very strong signal.

KIRO proposed modifying their transmitter to increase its power to
1,000 watts by adding two more tubes.