KPO's New Broadcasting Unit Undergoing
Tests and Adjustments Before Operation

"Under direction of W.L. Tierney, Western Electric engineer, and Curtis D. Peck, KPO's
technical manager, the Hale-Chronicle station's new 5000-watt transmitter is being put through
the tests and adjustments necessary to place it in operating order. These adjustments will cover
a long period of time. It is not yet known when the new station will be ready to go on the air.
The high-power broadcast unit, shown in the above photograph with Edward Manning, veteran KPO
technician, at one of the tuning controls, is the latest product of the Western Electric laboratories.
It consists of six distinct sections joined together to form one great panel assembly. One of the
sections carries the crystal-control equipment which will play an important part in keeping the
station's wave permanently within its allocated position. Another section holds the two giant
power tubes from which the station's power output will be sent to the antenna. Still another
section contains all the tuning elements. The whole transmitter unit is entirely inclosed (sic)
by grounded metal screening to prevent anyone from coming into contact with high voltage
currents." (San Francisco Chronicle, 1929)
"One of the duties of the broadcast station operator is to keep the motor generators always
running smoothly. Dan O'Brien, KPO technician, is seen oiling one of the generator units, which
will furnish the filament, plate and grid currents to the scores of tubes in the Hale-Chronicle's
new 5000 watt station. A duplicate set of three motor generators has been installed"
(San Francisco Chronicle, 1929)