Born March 23, 1895,
Columbus, Ohio
Graduated 1916 with A. B. degree: Wesleyan University.
1916-1924, banking business in Wyoming.
1918-1924, staff of U.S. War Finance Corporation.
1924, established investment business in California.
1927, became a director of the Associated Broadcasters, licensee of
1933, acquired the Associated Broadcasters. He was President, Director
and sole stockholder. Call sign changed to KSFO.
1941, at the suggestion of federal government officials, applied and
was granted a license from the F.C.C. to build a shortwave station in
San Francisco to offset Axis propoganda. KWID began broadcasting on May
4, 1942 with 100 KW. KWIX was established in March of 1943 with 50 KW
(later KWID-2). Both stations were outlets for the Voice of America.
During World War II, Dumm and Associated Broadcasters became
controlling stockholders of Universal Records, Inc., which manufactured
transcriptions for Armed Forces Radio Service.
1946-50, President, Director and major stockholder of Muzart Co., Inc.,
a wired music company playing music for war plants and other business
President and Director, KPIX, Inc., operator of KPIX Television,
President, Director and Stockholder of KXA, Inc., operators
of KXA, Seattle, 1946-75
President, Director and minority stockholder of KPAS and KXLA,
Pasadena, California, 1945-49.
President, Director of majority stockholder, KROW, Oakland, 1939-44.
President, director, minority stockholder of Columbia Empire
Telecasters, Inc., applicant for TV station in Portland, Oregon.
Sold KPIX-TV to Westinghouse, Inc., 1954.
Sold KSFO to Golden West Broadcasters, 1957.
Mr. Dumm has been:
- Member, Committee Six of the Defense
- Member, International Broadcasting Committee Six
the Board of War Communications.
- Member, Committee Three on International
Broadcasting of the Radio Advisory Committee of the U.S. Advisory
Commission on Information.
- Under appointment of the Secretary of State,
Consultant to the Office of International Information (Voice of
November 29, 1977
Born in Denver,
Colorado, Feb. 12, 1906.
Attended the public school system, Denver.
In the early 1920's, worked in broadcasting in Denver, as engineer,
announcer, salesman, station executive.
1933-39, U.S. Navy Reserve.
1927-35, Office and Stockholder, Intermountain Broad- casting
Corporation; General Manager of its station, KDYL, Salt Lake City, Utah.
1935-40, Vice President and General Manager, the Associated
Broadcasters, Inc., operators of KSFO.
Sept. 1939 to Nov. 1944: Vice President and General Manager of the
Educational Broadcasting Corporation, operators of KROW.
Nov., 1944, formed KROW, Inc., General Manager and 35% stockholder.
1946, formed the Lasky Company, an advertising agency.
Sept., 1946, sold the Lasky Company to his employees and returned to
Sept. 1946 to Sept. 1952, Vice President and General Manager of the
Associated Broadcasters, Inc., operators of KSFO.
1948, participated in the formation of KPIX, Inc.
1952, became Vice President, General Manager and 14% share- holder of
KPIX, Inc.; continued as Vice President of Associated Broadcasters, Inc.
1944-52, Vice President and Director of KXA, Inc., operators of KXA,
1952, stockholder of KXA, Inc.
1954-60 Regional Vice President, Westinghouse Corporation.
Board of Directors, KQED Television, Channel 9.
Died November 14, 1989.
Born in Seattle August 11, 1906
B.A., University of California, Berkeleyç 1929
M.E. Harlan Advertising Agency, San Francisco
Advertising Manager, Motorland Magazine, San Francisco
Manager, KGB Radio, San Diego, 1932 (hired Art Linkletter as announcer)
Married to Grace Gould, San Francisco, 1933
Radio salesman, CBS, New York
Station Relations, CBS, New York, 1936-37
General Manager, WBT, Charlotte, NC 1938
Manager, KSFO, San Francisco, 1940
General Manager, KWID shortwave station, San Francisco, 1942-43
Chief of Radio Division, Office of War Information Pacific Bureau, San
Francisco, 1943
Vice President, KSFO San Francisco, 1943.
Owner of new stations, KXOA, Sacramento, 1945; KXOB, Stockton
and KXOC, Chico, 1947; KXOA FM 107.9, Sacramento
Owner of KDB-FM, Santa Barbara
Owner, Western Radio Sales (later McGavren Guild Radio)
Part owner/investor in KJR, Seattle, 1954; KHMO,
Hannibal, Mo.; KXL-FM 101.1, Portland, OR
Owner, KROY, Sacramento, 1959. Initiates Top 40 programming
on KROY, 1960
Owner of other California stations, including KMEN, San Bernardino;
KARM, Fresno; KGGI, Riverside; KPRL/KDDB Paso Robles
Partner, Cable TV franchise, Bakersfield, California.
Died June 26, 1992.
Born August 15, 1905
Amateur radio license 7LR, 1920
B.S. degree, Polytechnic College of Engineering
Helped build KFAT, Eugene, OR (later KORE), and KXA, Seattle
Commercial radio telegraph operator, Alaska, mid-1920s
Developed an early audio processor for radio stations, 1932 (Patent no.
2,392,334, 1946)
Vice president of engineering, KSFO, San Francisco, 1933-47
Built KWID and KWIX shortwave stations, 1942-43
Director, Department of Engineering, National Association of
Broadcasters 1947-50
Technical Advisor, U.S. Delegation to the International Radio
Conference, 1947
Senior member, IRE (Institute of Radio Engineers)
President and Chief Engineer, KIKI, Honolulu. 1950-68
Executive Engineer, Radio Free Asia, 1952
Born April 16, 1906,
Bellingham, Washington
B.S.E.E., California Institute of Technology, 1929.
Transmitter Test and Development, General Electric Company,
Schenectady, NY
Since 1936, Director of Universal Research Laboratories, a radio/TV
consulting engineering firm.
Transmitter Supervisor for KSFO, 1936-47
Director of Engineering, KSFO and KPIX, 1947-52
Member, Institute of Radio Engineers.
Died September 12, 1979