Tonight's Best Buy

Tonight's Best Buy

Before there was eBay, KSFO had its "Tonight's Best Buys" program, which was described by TIME Magazine as "Lots of Bargains - YOUR bargains - the things YOU want to sell.  We broadcast them absolutely free!  Remember - it makes no difference what it is - as long as it's a bargain.  Thus on the air over 20 West Coast stations goes 'Tonight's Best Buys', radio's big rummage sale.  Six stenographers answer six constantly jangling telephones, type out names, descriptions, and prices of the items offered, providing an offstage, panic-on-the-stock-market sound effect.  Wiry, fast-talking Narrator Sam Pierce offers the goods to the radio audience and tells how to reach the would-be seller.  One-third of the odds and ends offered are bought."   Bob Garred and Bill Baldwin are also shown at the mike.

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John F. Schneider & Associates, LLC