KJR Founder, Vincent I. Kraft

Terminal Sales Building

KJR Studio, 1924

KJR Announcer, about 1924
KJR 1,000 watt
transmitter, 1924
KJR Transmitter Site in
Lake Forest
Park, 1925

KJR Antenna -
Aerial View
KJR's new transmitter
building, 1925
KJR's 5 kW RCA
transmitter, 1927
KJR Chief Engineer
Clarence Clark,

The Home Savings Building,
KJR's Home 1927-34

KJR Studio "A", 1929 |

KJR Office, Home Savings |
Adolph Linden, KJR Manager,

The ABC Network, 1928-29 |
KJR Announcer Thomas Freebairn-Smith,
Bob Nichols, KJR sports
The KJR Gauchos, 1931-32
The KJR Mardi Gras Gang, 1931
KJR Bandleader Vic Meyers, 1928


KJR's Grant Merrill |

Francesco Longo, Director of the
KJR American Salon Orchestra, 1929

Murray and Harris |

KJR Pianist, 1928 |

Mischakoff Quartet, 1929

Newspaper publicity, 1928 |

|Willard Warren, KJR program
director, 1935 |
KJR "Narratives at Nine" - late 1940s
KJR Staff Photos 1937
Charles Herring, KJR Reporter
Popular KJR Personalities
of the Late
Dick Keplinger on KJR, 1940's

Birt Fisher, manager of KOMO/KJR,
became the owner of KJR after its
separation from KOMO in 1945.
KJR Remote broadcast truck, 1947

Heidelberg Harmonies on KJR |

Ivar Haglund on KJR |
KJR Staff Photo 1946
KJR Staff Photo 1947

KJR owners Lester Smith
and Danny Kaye |
KJR, Dick Stokke, 1950's

Wally Nelskog's
"Music Makers" on KJR, 1955 |

Pat O'Day and the KJR
Top Forty Era |

KJR 1963 Music Survey |

Lan Roberts and Larry Lujack on KJR